The development about storage of discipline information is a symbol which discipline information resource riches, have vitality and constantly creating and developing. 学科信息库的发达是学科资源广泛、充满生命力和不断创新发展的标志。
The symbol information for symbol scope blocks should occur in order of increasing addresses. This error indicates that it does not do so. 符号范围块的符号信息以增量地址的顺序出现。这一错误信息表明它没有这样做。
Coal is the one of the important sources. The automatization of the coal industry production and the development of information are the important symbol of the productivity development level. 煤炭是重要的能源之一,煤炭工业生产的自动化、信息化发展,是国家生产力发展水平一个重要标志。
Photoelectric sensor which identify the information symbol of votes is composed of LED and PT. 光电传感器由发光管(LED)和光敏管(PT)组成,用于识别选票上的信息符号。
Information is an outstanding symbol of economy global and multinational. 经济全球化、跨国化的一个显著标志时信息化。
Chapter two presents the basic principle and method of product information modeling based on symbol. 第二章提出了基于符号的产品信息建模基本原理和方法。
Information and Symbol Information 信息与符号信息
The Communication Systems and the Information Content on Fuzzy Information Symbol Set 模糊信符集上的通信系统及信息量
Before visual information creation, the concepts of information transmission and reception, of information symbol coding and decoding, of communication and communicating intermedium should be understood clearly. 在进行视觉信息的创造时,首先要了解信息的传送和接收过程、信息符号的编码和解码、传播及传播媒介等。
A Soft-Decision Decoding Algorithm of Reed-Solomon Codes Based on Reliability Information of M-ary Symbol 基于多元符号可信信息的RS码的软判决译码算法
In the process of distance educational communication, information and symbol are two important factors that affect the effectiveness of communication. 在远程教育传播过程中,信息与符号是影响传播效果的两个重要因素。
Since enterprise came into being, human society has gone through agricultural, former industrial and industrial society, and now is gradually moving towards the rear industrial society with information times as its symbol. 自企业产生以来,人类社会经历了农业社会、前工业社会、工业社会,现在正逐步走向信息时代为标志的后工业社会。
The author uses the mechanism of map symbol database index plus symbol description information buffer to prove the efficiency of accessing symbol description information in multiple map symbol databases; 文中采用地图符号库索引加缓存符号描述信息的机制,提高了访问多地图符号库中描述信息的速度;
Fourth, in stage of semantics analysis proceed static semantics checking and refresh the information in symbol table. 语义分析阶段主要处理静态语义检查及更新符号表的信息;
Establishes layer information symbol for exporting data in UG. Through layering and arranging data with DXF of UG, entire model information can be written into SHEET-FORMING visual modeling module. 建立UG中数据导出的图层信息标志,结合UG自带的DXF数据文件通过对数据进行按选择集分类、排序等处理可以将整个模型信息一次写入SHEET-FORMING可视化建模工具。
How geography cell partitioned, projection selected, information selected and symbol designed are done in theory and How program designing is made are included in the fourth chapter. 第四章对数字海图的分幅设计、投影选择、制图资料采用以及符号设计进行了理论叙述和实际操作程序设计;
Indirect information is not from symbol itself but from analysis indirectly. 间接信息不是来自符号本身,要通过分析间接获得。
Study on the Goods-Building Information and Art Symbol, Creation 造物信息与艺术符号创生的研究
As a legal conception, information is the symbol system, which should satisfy some specific conditions. 作为法律概念的信息是满足特定条件的符号系。
Secondly, the key technology of preprocessor on basis of Java Compiler Tree API is discussed, which includes the design of file format for preprocessing results and the exportation of information of symbol table and abstract syntax tree. 其次讨论了基于JavaCompilerTreeAPI的预处理的关键技术,包括预处理结果文件的格式设计和依据该格式进行的符号表和抽象语法树的信息的导出。
In the CI-OFDM technique, each information symbol is sent simultaneously over all carriers and the each carrier for the symbol is assigned a corresponding orthogonal CI spreading code. 在CI-OFDM系统中,每个信号都同时调制到所有子载波上,每一个子载波分配一个正交的CI码。
At all times, map is one of the most important mediations for exchanging information between two symbol systems-spatial information and natural languages. 一直以来,地图是空间信息和自然语言两大符号系统进行信息交换的重要媒介之一,被看作是一种表达空间信息的二维语言。(2)地图符号的隐喻实质。
Personal information is the symbol that featured by character and identity quality during the social communication which distinguishes a person from another. 个人信息是自然人在社会交往中,以个性化和识别性为特征,表明自己身份特征,其他人足以通过这种符号将一个人区别于另一个人的符号。
The visual communication design is a method to transmit information utilizing visual symbol. It requires giving the audience a visual aesthetic feeling and spreading the information through various media. 视觉传达设计是一种利用视觉符号传递信息的一种设计方式,这种方式要求赋予受众以视觉美感,并通过不同的媒介加以传播。
In the age of knowledge economy, the information technology becomes important symbol of society developed. 知识经济时代,信息技术成为社会发展进步的重要标志。
Convolutional code is different from block codes, its check symbol is not only related with information symbol of the symbol group, but also with the previous symbol group. 卷积码与分组码不同,它的本码组的校验元不仅与本组的信息元有关,而且还与以前的信息组有关。
With the constantly plentiful of people understanding, recognization and classification spatial information, as the carrier of geographic information, symbol has changed correspondingly. However, the characteristic which symbol is a Graphic language of geographic information has not changed. 随着人们对地理空间信息的理解、认识和分类的不断丰富,地图符号这一地理空间信息载体也相应发生了变化,然而地图符号作为地理空间信息的一种图解语言的特征并没有发生改变。
As a type of information symbol, images have great superiority over texts and become more and more important mode of information expression. 图像作为一种信息符号,有着语言文字不可比拟的优点,成为越来越重要的信息表达方式,其应用的领域和范围越来越广。
The development of information technology are profoundly affecting the management and operation of the Government. In the backdrop of economic globalization, the level of the degree of information has become a symbol of measuring the regional competitiveness. 信息技术的发展正深刻地影响着政府的管理和运作,在经济全球化的背景下,信息化程度的高低已经成为衡量区域综合竞争力的一个标志。
As an important part of geographical information sharing, map symbol sharing is an inevitable trend, and also will be the future research focus. 作为地理信息共享的重要组成部分,地图符号的共享是一个必然的趋势,也会是将来的研究热点。